Franklin Carriage House offers both Subsidized and Market Rate apartments to meet the needs of community members in a wide variety of income brackets.
The Carriage House has a service fee to cover provided meals, cleaning and laundry.
Market rate cost of rent and services (Carriage House 2024)
One person household: $1,195 rent + $900 service fee = $2,095 per month
For households with two people, the second person receives a discount toward the service fee.
Some of our apartments are subsidized through Vermont State Housing Authority. With a subsidy,
● The Tenant Portion of the Rent is based on 30% of the household’s adjusted income (AGI) calculated by Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) and VSHA pays the remaining balance of the rent.
● Services are based on 68% of the AGI.
○ If the household’s assets are valued over $10,000, they pay the market rate service fee.
Service Fee minimum: $700
Service Fee maximum: $900 (Market Rate Service Fee)
To ensure that our services are affordable for households with very low incomes, we will help you apply for all benefits you are entitled to. After applying for all benefits, if a household still does not have enough for basic needs, you may qualify for a subsidy for services through Franklin Homestead Inc.
All utilities, snow and trash removal, grounds keeping, and basic cable services are included.
Prices at Franklin Homestead and Carriage House are subject to change.
For more information or to visit, please call (802) 285-2944 or e-mail stacy@franklincarriagehouse.org.