Welcome to Living the Legacy, a blog about life at Franklin Homestead & Carriage House.

Franklin Homestead & Carriage House has provided affordable, safe, convenient housing to folks age 55+ for over 30 years now. We want to celebrate the legacy we live here, even as that legacy grows with each passing day.
With the holidays coming up and 2020 winding down, it seemed like there was no better time to kick off the blog than right now. Some of our most challenging months are behind us, and while there are more challenges ahead, we are prepared to face each test as it arises and celebrate each success as it is earned. And we’d love to have you join with us.
Stay tuned for weekly posts (if not more), and be sure to explore our updated website. There's lots more to come! And don't hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn even more about us.
We’re all part of a bigger whole, and we’d love to have you along as part of our journey. Join us as we venture into each new day, Living the Legacy.